Thanks for stopping by. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and my yoga practice.
I first became interested in yoga back in 1990. I was in chronic pain due to automobile accidents and I had viral meningitis as a young adult. I had tried massage therapy, accupuntcure, accupressure, and many other treatments. All of the treatments helped, but not long term. Within 24 hours of treatment I would begin to have pain in my cervical spine and get debilitating headaches.
I have always been a firm believer in fitness and belonged to health clubs for several years. I was very much a type A personality and I always gravitated toward fast paced activities like aerobics, raquetball, etc. At the health clubs I belonged to I started observing a yoga class and decided to give it a try. After only one class, I felt that yoga might be a way for me to find more body awareness and figure out how to help myself deal with my physical challenges.
My first yoga instructor at the health club was an Iyengar yoga teacher. I continued to go to her class and then decided to study at a yoga school which happened to also teach in the Iyengar tradition. One of the most important elements of Iyengar yoga for me was the rigorous training that the instructors are required to go through. When I was in a class, I felt that the instructors were very knowledgeable about yoga and anatomy. The primary focus on Iyengar yoga is musculoskeletal alignment, which leads into why Iyengar yoga uses props. By using blocks, chairs, blankets, etc., students at all levels of physicality are able to get into the poses in proper alignment. I attended regular classes and started to have so much body awareness and relief from chronic pain that I decided I wanted to teach. I enrolled in a teacher training program and studied for six years before getting my official Iyengar certification.
For more than 22 years it's been my pleasure to share my learning with students. I'm grateful to everyone who shared
part of this journey with me, and I look forward to our paths crossing in the future.

© Melody Madonna / Harmony Hill Yoga. All Rights Reserved.

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